Group fitness classes can be booked up to 24 hours in advance. Please be aware timetables may be subject to change due to instructor availability. Please check website alerts and our Facebook page for late class changes.
Our Leisure Centres offer a wide range of fitness classes suitable for all ages and abilities, including Spin, Aqua, Les Mills, and more, all lasting 55 minutes unless otherwise specified.
Aqua Fitness
Aqua rehab caters for people suffering from Multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinsons or arthritis, and may also be of benefit for those recovering from stroke or with controlled heart conditions. Classes are conducted in waist-deep heated water and can also be suitable for wheelchair-bound participants.
Gentle aqua is performed to music in waist-deep heated water. Designed for seniors, and is beneficial for those people with blood pressure, arthritis, joint problems or injury rehabilitation.
Seniors aqua is designed for the more active senior and is an advanced version of gentle aqua.
Aqua power
Aqua power is a high energy workout for overall fitness and toning guaranteed to increase the heart rate.
Combo aqua
Combo aqua is a hybrid aqua power class with the inclusion of weights for toning.
Interval aqua combines intervals of high intensity work with resistance work to elevate the heart rate.
Deep water aqua is a cardiovascular toning workout using the resistance of the water, and with no impact on the joints. Buoyancy belts are provided. We recommend you wear sunglasses and a hat, as these classes are held outdoors.
Deep athletic aqua is an intense cardio workout in the water for the advanced deep-water participant. No weights will be used. A total cardiovascular workout.
Fitness Classes
Low Impact
Barre fitness is a super-energising, whole-body workout catering for beginners to advanced fitness levels. Barre will build alignment, strengthen your core and tone muscles. This class offers all the physical benefits of ballet without attempting a pirouette!
Body balance is a pre-choreographed class - with a combination of Yoga, Tai Chi, stretching and Pilates. Improve your strength, flexibility, range of motion and overall wellbeing.
Participants are required to bring their own exercise mat.
Gentle exercise is a class designed for new participants or those recovering from an injury or rehab. This class is easy to follow, and incorporates a long warm-up, gentle cardio, light resistance, cool down and stretch.
Pilates is a non-impact form of body conditioning suitable for young, old, physically active and even sedentary participants.
Participants are required to bring their own exercise mat. We also recommend grip socks.
*Not suitable for pregnancy or those with existing back or neck injuries. Body balance is a suitable alternative.
Yoga is based on the principles of Hatha Yoga, which concentrates on aligning your breath with your movement. It works on building your core and total body strength.
Participants are required to bring their own exercise mat.
*Not suitable for pregnancy. Pre-natal-yoga or body balance are suitable alternatives.
An invigorating blend of Pilates, barre, and power yoga set to modern beats. With small, controlled movements, you sculpt and strengthen all major muscle groups, improve alignment and increase flexibility. It’s a low impact but intense way to heat up your training.
High Intensity
Boxing is a combination of boxing moves using bags and focus mitts.
Please bring your own mitts and focus pads.
Cardio box is a great cross training boxing workout that focuses on cardio fitness.
Please bring your own mitts and focus pads.
Circuit is a group exercise class incorporating resistance with cardio stations.
Sutherland Leisure Centre has a dedicated circuit room with circuit machinery/equipment. There are 4 varieties of circuit:
Circuit : High intensity
Gentle: Low intensity for those unaccustomed to exercise, cardiac patients or recovering from injury or illness.
Light pace circuit: A circuit designed for beginners, seniors or pregnancy. No running or jumping.
Mid pace circuit: A moderate intensity circuit. High and low impact options are provided.
FX is a high intensity circuit class. It is designed for those seeking greater levels of conditioning and is centred around Life Fitness' SYNRGY 360. This challenging, high intensity workout will improve cardiovascular endurance, strength and power through a variety of simple, effective, functional movements.
Metafit is a 30-minute high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout to boost your metabolism and get you to peak fitness quickly. It is structured to have short periods of maximum effort and minimal rest of body weight strength, plyometrics and core exercises to challenge you both physically and mentally.
MetaPWR is a 30-minute high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout using equipment to develop explosive strength and speed. It is designed for the advanced exerciser - an intense workout using weights and body weight through full range of movement. Class is structured with similar timing and rest periods to Metafit. Guaranteed to give you a great workout!
Power hour is an intense athletic workout for participants of advanced fitness levels. No choreography. The class may also include a short 10-minute outdoor component.
Rhythm fit is a fun, freestyle dance workout incorporating many styles of dance to motivating, upbeat music. It is moderate to high intensity with a mix of low and mid-impact moves that can be easily modified.
Tabata is a high intensity interval training (HIIT) class that consists of rounds of 8 sets of exercises performed for 20 seconds, interspersed with 10 second rest periods. Exercises may be cardio or strength using body weight or equipment.
Body attack is a high intensity/high impact Les Mills pre-choreography class with sports-inspired athletic movements.
RPM is a 45-minute pre-choreographed Les Mills indoor cycling class based on outdoor riding. Ride to inspirational music over the equivalent of 20-25 kilometres of varied terrain, controlling the intensity of your workout with a resistance dial and pedal speed.
Freestyle is a stationary cycle workout incorporating high cardiovascular demands with intense lower body conditioning. Your instructor will take you on a journey with ever changing terrain and scenery. No co-ordination is required.
Gentle spin is an introductory indoor stationary cycle class workout designed for beginners. A cardiovascular session with no impact, requiring no co-ordination. Emphasis on bike set-up and technique.
Body pump is a pre-choregraphed Les Mills weight training class to music. Designed to give your body a complete workout using barbells. No running or jumping.
Masters pump is a pre-choregraphed Les Mills weight training class to music with modifications given for senior exercisers and beginners.
TRX suspension training can be used to improve strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. Originally developed by the US Navy SEALs, TRX uses tools and movements that challenge the entire body in every plane of motion. TRX can help you improve by applying the minimum dose of effort to get maximum results.